Gov. Abbott Executive Orders GA-15 & GA-16 Re-Opening Texas 4/17/2020

Gov. Abbott announced initial steps to re-open the Texas economy at a news conference Friday, April 17, 2020.

After naming a taskforce that has been selected to help with decisions, Gov. Abbott issued a new executive order (GA-15) which loosens the restrictions on non-essential surgeries.

Gov. Abbott also announced by executive order (GA-16) he is letting retail outlets re-open April 24, 2020 to offer "to-go" services, meaning stores may offer deliveries to curbside pick-up or home deliveries.

Abbott said he is allowing state parks to re-open Monday, April 20 but that social distancing will be required, along with the wearing of face masks and there can't be more than five persons gathered. 

Abbott also announced that all Texas schools will remain closed through the end of the 2020 school year, including public, private and institutions of higher learning. 

Another announcement from the governor regarding additional steps to re-open Texas is promised on April 27, 2020.