Bulk Water - Agreement and Usage

The City of Mineola offers bulk water for sale pursuant to the following ordinance:

Sec. 44-28.1. - Bulk water sales and rates.

(a) Water sales—Bulk water. Any individual, company, corporation, or entity who wishes to obtain bulk water from the city must first complete an application for bulk water services, which can be obtained from the utility billing department located at City Hall.

(b) Service rate—Bulk water. A rate set by the city (see appendix B) per 1,000 gallons used will be charged by the city to users of bulk water provided by the City of Mineola.

(Ord. No. 17-07-24, 7-24-2017)


Fees for Bulk Water are $30 per 1,000 GAL, minimum $30.  

Please call 903-569-6183 to schedule a time to get bulk water. 

Please upload a copy of the Responsible Party's drivers license.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
By clicking "submit" below, I agree to pay for bulk water received from the City of Mineola. I have been informed of the regulations of the City of Mineola for Bulk Water usage. I am aware that if these regulations are not followed, my privileges will be revoked.